Wordless News 1.23.15


Wordless News is paused due to a migraine. Thank you for your patience while I mend my head on this Friday morning.  Wordless News will happily return on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend.



Thank you

I cannot fully express my gratitude to all of the people who have supported me in my daily life and in my artistic endeavors in 2014. 

I somehow started off the year with almost 5,000 new Wordless News followers after being interviewed and working with Morning Edition in January. The correspondence, opportunities, and encouragement I've received over the past year have been absolutely amazing. I had no idea that my accidental visual exercise would connect me with so many wonderful people across the country and the world. 

I really could not be more thankful for such a surprisingly beautiful year. I'm sad to say goodbye to 2014, but I'm excited for the empty canvas waiting in 2015.

I wish everyone joy and abundant love in the new year!


ps. Wordless News will return January 5th! I'm traveling the next few days.

pps. I wrote a book last year!  It has pictures and words. I'm excited and nervous to say that is is now available for preorder. 

Merry Merry!

Wordless News is on Holiday Vacation until December 29th. I wish you all a time of peace, rest, and merriment! 


Wordless in DC


For some reason the internet wasn't cooperating yesterday, many apologies if the Wordless News email didn't hit your inbox. Everything should be fixed shortly! 

I'm traveling to DC this morning to speak at CIS and do a Wordless News workshop with some fantastic high school students! There wont' be any Wordless News today since I'll be in flying, but the news will be back tomorrow morning. Happy Thursday!


CreateAthon 2014


It's the happiest creative day of the year. I'll be taking a break from Wordless News today and tomorrow to participate in a 24 hour work day. If you aren't familiar with CreateAthon you can read all about it here. Essentially, it's a 24 hour creative blitz for nonprofits. 

This morning at 8:00am I'll find out which team I'm on, who the client will be and we'll get started. Tomorrow morning the client will come in and we'll present all the things we worked on for them. And they can take everything home for free. 

I'm really excited and already tired, but I'm sure there will be plenty of coffee to keep the creativity going. 

If you have time and are interested you can follow along with our progress throughout the night here and here

Wordless News will be back on Monday. 

