Wordless News Returns 8.16.16

Hi Friends!
I am writing with good news about Wordless News — it will return to a regular schedule on August 16th.

I'd hoped to get back to my early morning creative practice right after I had a baby but that was a naive plan. As I've learned over the past 11 weeks, babies do not feel obligated to stick to the schedule you prefer so my absence from Wordless News has been unavoidable. 

It's been a heartbreaking and eventful summer in the news. I'm sad to have missed the opportunity to tackle some important stories but I didn't want to start back without being able to really commit to the craft every day. 

Starting August 16th Charlie will be making new friends at a childcare center and I will return to Wordless News. I'm so excited to get back to making and I'm so thankful for all of your kind words of support as I've taken this little break. 


Wordless News 5.2.16

Hi Friends!
I'm happy to announce the arrival of Charlie William Powelson! He was born on May 2nd at 7:24pm. While the birth didn't go as expected, he turned out healthy and happy. This first week has been sleepy and busy — sorry for the delayed announcement. Wordless News will return in a few weeks once the little guy has a bit of a routine figured out. Thanks for all of your love, support, and patience while I take this little break!


Wordless News - Baby break


As I wait patiently (haha) for my bundle of joy to arrive, I've decided to take a break from Wordless News. I should be welcoming a little one into the world any day now and while I'd planned to make Wordless News part of my routine distraction, I've realized that my brain and body really need these last few days to rest and prepare. Once the baby is here, I will make an announcement and set a date for my return. I'm planning to take three weeks off after the baby is born and then resume my normal WN schedule.  

Thank you, as always, for following along and for understanding while I take this little break! I promise I will be back as soon as possible. :)


Wordless News 2.23 - 2.26

Hi Friends!
I'm hitting the road for a few days to do some speaking and exploring in Utah. I hope you all have a wonderful week. Wordless News will return on Monday, February 29th. :)

Wordless News 12.22.15 - 1.2.16

Hi Friends,
I hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season! Today marks the start of a short seasonal break for Wordless News. I'll be spending the next couple of weeks wrapping up projects for the year and spending time with family and friends.

I'm excited to start a new year of Wordless News come January second! I do want to mention that at the end of April or early May Wordless News will be taking several weeks off. I am pregnant with my first child and I'm certain that the demands of an infant will require me to take a little pause from the visual news. But the news will continue per usual between now and then and resume as soon as possible after the baby arrives. 

Thank you for following along. I am so grateful for such a wonderful community of supporters. :)  

Best wishes for a Happy New Year,